Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Snack Time Drama

This is the conversation I heard on the way to preschool this morning. Shea had apparently found a stray cookie in her car seat that she gave to Madisen who gave it to Kaydon. She told him to eat it because it would be yummy. He put it in his mouth and promptly spit it out.

"Ew Madisen that was Yucky!"
"Mom! Kaydon spit the cookie out on the floor"
ME: "what? where did he get a cookie from?"
K: No it was Madisen's fault she told me to eat it"
S: No it's not Kaydon spit it everywhere, MOM!"
ME: "Where did he get a cookie from?"
S: Mom, it's his fault
K: No its not!
S Yes it is!
K: no its not!
S: Yes it is!
ME: "where did he get a cookie from?"
K: she told me it would be yummy!
Madisen decided enough was enough and she was going to serve up the ultimate diss.

S: "Kaydon, that's it! I'm not even going to sit by you at snack time!!!"

I never did figure out quite where the cookie came from, but they were on speaking terms when I picked them up so I guess they were able to sit down and calmly talk about there problems once inside. I always tell Pete if he doesn't do things for me I won't sit by him at snack time, but it doesn't have the same effect. I've gotta ask Madisen how she does it.


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