Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hurray For Snow

So let's talk snow shall we? It's on everyone's minds anyway so lets get it out in the open. I love Utah springs! Of course I do. One minute we're shouting for joy, and skipping down warm happy sidewalks, and the next minute, we're inside being grumpy -pants because it's snowing. The best part about a Utah spring is you never REALLY know if/when it will end. Last year the last snow day was in June. UGH. That hurt. But it's cool because the next day it was 100 degrees and all was right again. It's pretty funny watching the weathermen here fumble around as they point aimlessly at the map. Like they're wearing a big sign that says "Who the heck Knows?" Seriously, what is the fun in living somewhere like maybe San Diego, and always waking up knowing you will be able to feel your fingers, and not see your breath that day? I say BORING. Here, it's a suprise everyday. Like Christmas. And a box of chocolates. Having both snow boots and flip-flops at the ready is not only fun, it's called being prepared. Besides, snow boots are fun in their own right. Have we not seen Napoleon Dynamite? So today, because we're supposed to, I'm finding *joy* in the snow.

It's not like I wanted to get out of cleaning the bathroom anyway.


Lia said...

What a great attitude! You're awesome!

Joby, Julie, and Cru said...

Seriously, I don't know if I can handle another day of waking up putting on jogging shorts and allowing the sun to beat down on me while the sand cradles my feet like a warm blanket. If I see one more dolphin jump in picturesque fashion as the sun rises or have to spend another afternoon playing in the ocean I am going to puke!!

Jodi said...

Har Har Julie! Yes, this one was just for you :-)