I love love love quiet time! It is the most awesome time ever invented. The kids go play quietly while I get everything done I've needed to.
Ahem, Blog.
It's not like I WANT to play on the computer though. I WANT to do other things like read books, but I'm terrified of the library. Have you visited our local library? It's very "diverse". In the winter you have a chance to dialogue with either homeless Sam, or homeless Tom, or homeless Frank while they leisurely peruse through the magazines/warm up. {No I do not have a problem with people who live on the streets, or people getting warm. I happen to love being warm. And the outdoors. So no snap judgments of me please.} Besides,that is not what is scary. It's the LIBRARIAN! OH, Em GOSH! It's like she was picked out of a children's story herself. She is the cliche librarian, glasses, snooty nose and all. And it turns out ( I found out while visiting the library ALONE, no kids, very much alone) that she doesn't appreciate screaming 5 and 3 year olds. Or their mother's. I walked up to pay my little fine of twenty dollars, and she gave me the dissappointed/annoyed/another-one-of-these-people sighs. And she was really annoyed when I wanted to check out a book or ten after that. I don't understand what her problem was. I'm usually uber responsible, and it's not like it was my kids spinning the book display to watch all of the books fly off the shelf (where was their mother anyway?). But I'm terrified to go back. Because she KNOWS me. She knows who I am. And I have a little fine. Of twenty dollars. So I haven't read anything in ages. Instead I facebook and blog, and waste my time other ways. Where is the sun anyhow?
You know what is best about borrowing books from the library is trying to find where the kids put the books so you can take them back to the library. It's taken us days to find one stupid book. But who's upset about that. Not me! It's not me looking under beds and in drawers and in the scary closets stuffed with misc papers and junk. Nope not me!!!
I'm totally with you! I've found though that they will let you pay only a portion of your fines. As long as it is below $10 (like say... $9.65, or my current balance) they let you check things out and all is right in the world again!
I wish I had quiet time. Then I would have been caught up on my blog stalking and wouldn't have missed your self diagnosis of SAD and your cutie in her panties. Really, my apologies!
The nice thing about the library is it is online...I can renew my books online so that I can take the full nine weeks to find the ones that are lost. I can also order my books online so that when I go to the library I only have to pick them up off the shelf and quick self-check them out, no chatting with stange people or librarians involved. Usually I am so quick my kids haven't had time to make the books fly off the spinning shelf. The library was just asking for trouble with that!
At least you have a well stocked library that you could find 10 books to check out! :)
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