Tuesday, April 28, 2009



This morning has been spent with an enormous amount of chaos, lots of tears, and searching for a lost member of our family.

Madisen's caterpillar has gone AWOL.

She has been raising him ever since she stole him from the warm embraces of the sandbox, and tormenting taking loving care of him now for three whole days. In my opinion he didn't fully appreciate his tupperware palace. Madisen took him out to clean his stinky cage, and handed "catty-pillar" to Shea for safe keeping.


I know, what was she thinking??

Shea threw him straight overboard when she decided he might go potty on her. He landed right back in the sandbox from whence he came. Do you think he had the decency to crawl back up and climb into his tupperware? No! Dug himself down deep, and now we cannot find a single trace of him. So unappreciative. Madisen is sitting on my lap crying "Remember how I took good care of him?" "I didn't even get to see him change into a butterfly, now how are we going to know which one is him?" She is devastated.

Shea is unconcerned.

The Boy is smiling.

I guess we will just have to remember the good times. Like when his gazillion legs wiggled fiercely, working to get himself to turn over after being plopped in his plastic prison. Like the times he played dead to get out of another play date with the scary giant child. Like the time we heard the faint "WEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" as he broke free from Shea's grasp.

Those were the good times.

Good bye stinky caterpillar. You will be missed.



Joby, Julie, and Cru said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....breathe.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. that was excellent

Erin said...

Heee hee hee - I know, another "laughing" comment, but how else do I describe it? We saw MILLIONS of those crawly things in Zions - should have brought a few home!

Marquardson Family said...

Oh poor Skye. Jodi can I say that I love your blog. Your writing is amazing and I just love reading it! Thanks for sharing!

Anderson Family said...

Oh dear - what a rough start to an otherwise great day. Tell Skye I will keep an eye out in my sandbox in case he decided to go on vacation and is now at the Anderson house - I know long shot - but it might make her feel a teensy weensy bit better. If I lived in a tupperware palace I would have crawled right back in....and gone to sleep. Sounds heavenly.

Morgan said...

Kailoni and I are so sad for his departure. This must be such a difficult time for your family. Trust me, Kailoni is sending her condolences.

rmanni23 said...

Tell Skye Grandma will find her a new pet, perhaps a snail? There are plenty of those in my yard.

Allreds said...

best of wishes on the emotional tourment you must be going through. So sad. so sad. ask her if a baby bunny would solve her pain, or is it just insects?

Kelly said...

I didn't know you had a blog! You are amazing at it!! Tell Andrew that I will only add to the comments about him! Also, I am suppose to fill you in on insurance...I will call you tomorrow!! :) check mine out at: klzlife.blogspot.com