Monday, April 6, 2009


Conference weekend. I must be getting old because I was actually bummed when I snoozed through the second half on saturday. Am I the only one or does everyone else love that the boys have to go to their own special meeting? It means I get special "I'm sorry I went out with the boys instead of spending time with you" ice cream when he gets home. With cookie dough. Just because he's sweet and always thinking of me.
And I demand it.
We went for a walk in between because the weather was kind of awesome. Just kind of though. I'm starting to settle for just-good-enough, because I'm no longer convinced spring will actually come to stay. We pushed The Boy in the stroller, and the girls and dog walked with us all the way around the block without fighting or arguing. Ahh, special family time. It's such a bummer that it took 20 minutes of Shea's crying fits to actually get outside, because she couldn't find her "brand new shoes". She could only find her "clip-clop" shoes that Daddy wouldn't let her wear.(do your kids name their shoes?). Funny how when you're looking for shoes, they just never seem to be where you look for them first. Like, if you're Shea, the ceiling, as she lays down and looks up wailing that she will never, ever, find them again. Seems suspicious doesn't it? Thankfully the toybox just swallowed them and we were out enjoying HAPPY FAMILY TIME! It was a breeze.
I got a lot out of conference too. Like how much Pete needs to change, and buy me more things before the economy completely plummets.
HA! Just kidding Pete. I'd be happy if you only bought me a few more things. . .
You're the best! LoVe YoU!


rmanni23 said...

Glad you were paying attention, otherwise you might have missed the point of the "don't buy what you don't need" talk. Of course, it's all relative. If you need it to be happy, then it falls in the need category. If it's just something like, say, groceries, you can probably get by with less, right?

monique james said...

That's exactly how I felt... I mean the purpose or NEED of life is to know that our men love and appreciate us and the way I know this is by him buying me things and oh yeah of course by him doing the dishes.