Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Right on the Head

I love how kids see the world. Madisen is trying to describe to me somebody so I can tell her the person's name, but I can't figure out who she is talking about. So all of you people who have:

"had dinner with us a lot of times, but maybe like two times, and have a dog, and look like you have an oval head, but actually have a circle head,"

Will you please contact me so I can ask Madisen if it's you whom she is speaking of?

Thank you.

Smile Pictures, Images and Photos


Rachel Sue said...

I love little kid descriptions! "Remember that time we went to that one place with a house and there was toys and a christmas tree?"

So easy to narrow it down!

Momza said...

It was me. Just lettin ya know. I just wanted to borrow some sugar and asked if you could substitute in Primary Nursery on Sunday. She said you would.
Aren't kids great?!