Monday, June 8, 2009

The Cereal Battle

Does anybody else struggle in the cereal isle? I HATE the cereal isle. It's a battleground for my inner self. Do I buy the good healthy cereal that my children won't eat, but I can pat myself on the back for being such a good parent? Or do I buy the sugar loaded junk that my kids will eat, but makes me feel like I'm world's worst parent? Ugh! Last night I ended up with chocalate mini wheats, and some rice crispies. I justified the Chocoloate Mini Wheats by telling myself at least they were full of fiber. The crispies are lose-lose. No health and no sugar. It seemed a good compromise. Nobody wins. I spent 10 whole minutes looking like an idiot going up and down back and forth the dang isle over this decision the other night. WHY? I have no idea. It's cereal for crying out loud! Tell me I'm not alone please??
What do you guys do?


Doyle Family said...

I'm just happy if they eat cereal so I let them pick whatever they want and I don't even feel bad about it being Chocolate-frosted honey-glazed pre-sweetened marshmallow nodules. I pat myself on the back that they ate!

Rachel said...

I like to blame the junk cereal on my husband. He works so hard I just HAVE to get him what he wants. Plus it's fortified. I think.

Michelle said...

Who wants healthy? Bring on the sugar! your kids will love you for it in the end.

Erin said...

We love cereal at my house - me, sugar, Kevin, healthy and the depends. So last fall when the cereal went on a huge sale, I was proud of myself and bought more healthy cereal than sugar (like 50 boxes total). But now all I have in the basement is healthy and I've switched to toast for breakfast. My sister has a bowl of healthy and a bowl of sugar every morning...not sure I could even do that. I grew up on sugar...