Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homeless Famous Waiter

Wheeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Long time no blog! Where have I been you ask? Homeless. Concerned? Don't be. A nice lady took pity on us, and now we're living the high life mortgage free. It definitely has it's benefits. When was the last time you were able to blow your money on matching family snuggies just because you could? That's what I thought. My Mom's been bombarded with tantrums and snotty noses. Thankfully the children have been angels, or she probably would have kicked my Lovetricity out by now. (he really knows how to throw a fit) Kidding Pete. I want to congratulate all of you for being famous by association. Maybe you haven't heard, but I am about to be a published writer. I have a friend who writes for the Tremonton Leader who showed my blog to his boss, and now I am going to have a column published once a month in their paper! How awesome is that?! So basically all I'm asking is a teensy favor. I don't need anyone to lie, I just want you be honest and gush in the comments about how you can't live a single day without reading my incredible blog, and then buy each member of your family a subscription to the Tremonton Leader. You'd do that for me right? No? Oh. . . . well this is awkward. Well, it's time to pick up Skye from school again. This kindergarten thing is killing me. My days of carefree play-all-day living are over. Now I have to pick up drop off every day and I have to do homework! Now I know what real Mom's do. I've officially become a real Mom. I thought that had already happened when I turned from fun, social, Jodi into giant human napkin. Nope, I was wrong. It's when you turn from giant napkin into Mom of School aged child. Better hurry up and get going so I can wait an hour in the parking lot! Tata!

-Jodi. Mom-of-School-Aged-Child


Allreds said...

such a perfect opportunity for you jodi! YOU ARE SO ENTERTAIING! I dont even know what else is in that magazine, but i would totally subscribe just for a single article i would axiously awaite to read! By the way, i am jelous about you living with your mom. that is my dream one day. cant think of anything better than that

Allreds said...

just realized how much i miss spelled on my post. I blame the late time of night. 10:00 feels really late to me at least anymore it does. Im a 9:30 bedtime person.

Sheri said...

Yeah for you!!!! I told you this is what you should be doing--you are great at it. Congratulations on this and the new house. Would love to see it.

Erin said...
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Joby, Julie, and Cru said...

A new house and a writing gig!!!!!! Sounds like your cashing in on some good Karma. I wish I still had some left. But you have to do nice things and stuff to get it apparently.
Jobys step mom writes a column for the Tremonton news.....I wonder if you will be switching off column writing with her....

Debra Domenici said...

Wow, sounds like you have lots of fun stuff going on. Good luck with the new house. I love reading your blog. You are a great writer.

Kristen Archer said...

The newspaper's coming out tomorrow! YAY! I'm excited to see your name on the front page! We'll be in Sandy this weekend, we'll have to bring you some copies!