Monday, September 21, 2009

Friends don't fit in a box. But they sure can jinx.

I'm on the computer wasting precious packing time. I just can't seem to find any motivation, because it's a little bit illegal to stuff my friends in a box and take them with me. Cops frown on that. Phooey! We still have not come to the realization that we might be moving in two days. The papers are not signed yet and it seems any thought of the home selling will just put a big jinx on it. Speaking of jinx-Do you remember being young and "jinxing" your friends? If you were jinxed that was just it. They might as well duct tape your mouth closed because you were NOT talking. Tapping people on the shoulder, waving at kids you didn't usually talk to, raising your hand in class when you didn't know the answer just so the teacher would say your name. You had to. You'd been jinxed. You were held bound by the Jinx Law. No way around it. My friends took it one step further: "personal Jinx" . With personal Jinx you cannot talk until the person who jinxed you says your name. Then Oooooh Boy, you were in trouble. Might as well write the whole day off as a loss. My kids don't abide by the Jinx law. They're suspicious of Mommy coming up with a game where they're not allowed to talk. They think I made it up. It's not like I don't enjoy the shrilling music of one sibling yelling to the other, I'm just trying to have some quality time with my kids. They don't get it . It's those younger generations. They just don't know how to have fun anymore.*sigh*

Shea just told me the side of her brain hurts. . . do you think I could talk her into a nap to get rid of the pain?


rmanni23 said...

Two days, Jodi? I think you should call me!

Kristen Archer said...

Holy cow! I can't believe you would have to be out that fast! I have had my house on the market for 8 months! Lame!

Erin said...

Emery prayed yesterday that Sidney wouldn't move...can you pack up and move over here? It wouldn't take long to finish the basement with Andrew down there...

Anderson Family said...

Erin is on to something. I have a basement that needs to be finished as well - Free rent if you finish it while you live down there!! Wish you weren't going!

Anonymous said...

With 4 kids, 3 dogs, g-pig, and a hamster....I'm thinking I will FIND a box to fit in so I can come too.

The kids knocked on your door think it will be the last time!

Miss ya...