Thursday, May 14, 2009


So picture this:

Driving along 1300 west rushing to pick up child from preschool, and coming upon stopped traffic in both directions. Notice the door on the sedan in front of you is open. Take note of the driver's door open on the parked SUV in the opposite lane. Driver is missing.

Is someone hurt?

My thoughts exactly.

"Oh no, what's going on, I hope everyone is okay!" my thoughts aloud

Should I step out of the car?

But, no, look there, a woman's head just popped up above the hood of the car in front of you. .. where'd it go? Oh there it is again, this must be bad. ..

Cars piling up in both directions.

Wait!! Is she smiling? And dancing? Some sort of Bend and Snap dance??? What is wrong with this world? Why isn't she more concerned? Okay, a shuffle to the right, then quick shuffle to the left--At least SOMEONE is having a good time! Now I'm just annoyed!

Traffic still waiting for bazaar woman to complete charade. Though I knew she was completely embarrassing herself I couldn't look away. It was my civic duty. Who knew what questions the cops might ask.

Okay, everyone MUST be tired of this I'm sure we ALL have places to be.

What's this? She's getting back in her car? Lady in opened-car-door-in-front-of-me is clapping? The world has gone MAD!

What I didn't understand at the time, and so have since retracted my bad attitude towards loopy woman, is that she was on a very important mission. No emergency is worse or more tragic than this. I'm sure that this brave rescue will not go unappreciated. ..

Turns out there were geese in the road.
I started to drive away and look over to see Mother Goose, as she herded her little goslings, turn to the rescue woman and give her the evil eye and a huge


That's gratitude for ya.


Scott said...

Missed out on a great oppertunity for dinner. Goose is good. Goose is great.

Misty said...

I'm just glad you didn't HONK too! (Although you may have given her an evil eye too for making you late!)

Anonymous said...

That is funny would have loved to see your face when you realized what she was doing.

Love ya,