Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Am A Pioneeress

Someone is trying to tell me something. The beginning of the week started out strong with me happily microwaving my daughters lunch, when suddenly: said microwave died. I thought it was just a little tantrum, but after several tries, and a few gentle fist pounds, it turns out it's dead. So the rest of the week I have been learning new ways to cook. I feel grateful for this experience, because now I can empathize with the pioneers. Cooking from scratch is hard, but worth it! Cold cut sandwiches are surprisingly good when you have enough condiments. Step one of me being a Pioneeress. Step two happened yesterday morning when I was opening my garage to take my daughter to the bus stop. It opened halfway, then stopped. Wouldn't go up, wouldn't go down. It was a cute little trick for early in the morning. I was so close, because I could walk out side and feel the caressing bite of -3 degree temps, but unfortunately we were unable to get the full experience via our warm van because it wouldn't fit out of the garage. The power in the whole house went out just long enough for Madisen to miss the bus. So I was able to empathize with those who lived way back when; those who had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow. Madisen's school is 3 whole miles away, and there's a small hill at the end. It was snowing and took me a good half an hour to drive before I was all the way back home. Well, maybe 15 minutes. Step 3 cheerily came this afternoon when my car died. I was picking up Skye at the bus, turned off the car for a few minutes, tried turning it back on and it was dead. Dead like the microwave, and dead like the garage door. So we put on our trek faces, and trudged through the snow and 10 degree weather all the way home. Madisen complained it was far, so I told her to sing. Singing is very pioneer like. The bus stop is at least .20 miles, so I used it as an opportunity to teach my children. I feel now I have learned my humbling lesson, and earned a Mom bonnet in the process. This week of being a pioneer was hard, but I think, after how I've grown as a person, I can honestly say: It was worth it.


The Bowen's said...

Now wait, didn't your week start off with Andrew sick? Aren't all of those "dead" things electrical? Seems to me that if Andrew is feeling better, maybe he might be able to somehow, miraculously get one of them to work for you! And to think, the pioneering all started a couple of weeks ago when you couldn't get pizza delivery! (by the way I drove through downtown Saratoga last night, and there is a 5 Buck Pizza, maybe they deliver :})
Hope things get better! Keep smiling, sometimes it is your only option!

Rachel said...

Wednesday night I stopped at the Chevron at the crossroads to put gas in my car. Only then it wouldn't start. Some nice gentleman were able to jumpstart it though. Thursday morning my husband went out to start the car, which it did just wonderfully. Only ten minutes later when he went to leave it was dead. And wouldn't even consider trying to start. Too cold for cars!! I feel your pain. Except we didn't have to walk anywhere. Uphill. In the snow. I think for that one you should definately get the pantaloons with the bonnet!

Lindsay Thoreson said...

Jodi! Wow what a crazy and hectic week. I am sorry to say that it did bring me to a little chuckle- only because I can see myself in those same shoes on other occasions. Truly I feel bad for you. I am so glad to hear of your perservering with a pioneeress kind of attitude! GOOD JOB! ;)