Monday, July 13, 2009

Flack Attack

I've been getting a lot of flack lately. A few people in my family have been flackin' about how I haven't blogged lately. So, because I haven't blogged all summer, You're about to get a whopper about how I've spent my summer vacation. Ready? No? Fine.

So I just took my facebook fortune this morning. "If you want the rainbow, you must put up with the rain."
I don't understand this. Why put up with depressing rain? Rain is not fun. It's soppy. Haven't you heard that famous quote:
"Life is about waiting for the storm to pass, not about dancing in the rain." And famous quotes are usually right. Besides I don't have the time to deal with soppy, I'm a busy person. Yesterday, I went to church, then took a nap, then watched t.v. with Pete, then went to dinner at his parents. Super busy.

So the point of this story is I did a redo. Remember being little, and when you didn't win a game or race, you would pout and shout RE-DO? It still works.
My new fortune:
"You are Talented in many ways".

Much better.
Thank you.

p.s. For those of you who have flacked: Yes I will blog about Jared coming home, and Jack's 1st birthday. He's 1 Hurray!


Anonymous said...

OK, I feel better, too, with my Jodi Blog fix! No more flack attack from me! Mom Lori

Anonymous said...

Yeah FINALLY you had something to say. I still think you should have said something about when Skye and Sydney got into my hot car and said "Hurry Aunt Michelle I am getting juicey?" I have never thought about sweat being juicey. But your kids are creative and awsome and come up with cool stuff like that. Love you Jodi


Anonymous said...

Oh I almost forgot. We all know your talented Jodi that is why you run and don't play real sports, or sing, or play the

But I can think of one talent you can outshine anyone I think you are an awesome blogger and should write a book. Please keep it up. Please
