Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Six A Stupid-M.

My brain feels really squishy, kinda like mush mud pie and my eyes are filled with a globbery goo.

6:00 a.m. is a fine time, really-- if you're an owl maybe or an insomniac

for me though, before the clock hits seven oh oh, I sorta just wanna shoot the owl and throw a mud pie at the insomniac. Or maybe Pete.

Good thing he was gone when I got up this morning.


Sheri said...

Now you know I get up at 5 am everyday to exercise...so once you get into the habit you start to function on squishy brain. You might like it, you'll never know until you try it.

rmanni23 said...

Don't believe her Jodi, anyone who tries to fill your head with early to rise propaganda is probably an ex-drill sergeant or a recruiter for the marines. Maybe a masochist? At any rate, I wouldn't trust her. She sounds like a nutcase.

Anonymous said...

Hey--I'm one of those 5:00 am exercisers and I'm not a nutcase or a drill sergeant. But you can call me Queen! Mom Lori