Monday, March 1, 2010

Soggy Scone Bandit

The Setup:
A young, vibrant, intelligent, brunette, multi-tasking (yay, mom plug!) mother was readying herself for the shower when the phone rang. Leaving the water running, she steps out of the room to answer it.

The Crime:
Mother notices the pre-made scones for the family's weekly go cheap and easy navajo taco dinner have gone mysteriously missing.

The Evidence:
A chair left carelessly near the scene of the crime, and pulled against the counter indicates the bandit is disadvantaged by an unfortunate lack of height.

The Capture:
Ah, brilliant strategy used by the bandit: ducking into the running shower to throw us off of his scent so he can consume his soggy goods.

Unfortunately for this duck, his number is up.

The Punishment:

Mom's Motto: Go tough or go home. He'll never think of attempting this again.


Anonymous said...

Those Nancy Drew sleuthing skills certainly came in handy in this case! Next time ignore the phone or turn the water off, or lock up the Frito Bandito FIRST! Mom Lori

Sheri said...

I love it Jodi!!! Don't you hate when you can't even have a shower without some kind of mishap? I love the photo evidence too!!! :)

Marquardson Family said...

Oh my goodness, that made my day! Such a cutie!