My daughter Madisen is five. She thinks that means she knows stuff. And not only does she know stuff, but her Mom doesn't know any stuff. Dad probably doesn't know much stuff either. She likes to ask me questions, and then tell me I'm wrong when I explain the stuff she was asking about. The other day we were climbing in the car from church, and she threw her new drawing on the front seat for her Mom to hold onto, because she didn't have any room in her empty hands. (I guess she didn't notice Mom's diaper bag, scriptures, and The Boy hanging around my neck). Daddy was exclaiming with overubundant enthusiasm how beautiful her picture was. He was telling her that he should go to the store and buy her a "special church" folder to keep all her primary projects in. He was using a lot of eyebrow raising and random voice influctions to get her excited about it. What did Madisen do?
"Daddy, I don't like it when you talk so much."
Simple as that. Dad please stop talking. My 5 year old ears can't handle it.
She is a very sweet kid and very helpful when I ask her to do things. She loves to take care of her brother and sister and isn't even bossy. (well sometimes she isn't)This is why we keep her around. Otherwise, I might think twice after the zinger this morning:
Me: Madisen stop doing that (flipping my lovehandle while I was trying to do my hair)
Madisen:I like to do it, Mom. It's funny. It's all wrinkly, and when I poke it, it gets all wiggly.
Do I have any pride left after writing this post? Nope. Am I going to eat today? Probably not. Have I scheduled runs 2xdaily for the next week? You betcha.
Maybe Mom doesn't know much stuff, but I'll be darned if I have to hear another crack about how I look stuffed.
(Me) ^
Jodi: Your kids will always keep you humble! As long as Andrew doesn't comment on your love handles, it's OK. And if he does, it is justifiable homicide!
Mom Lori
Keep running those thirteen-mile marathons! I understand they work miracles :) Kids are detrimental to the mommy's psyche! Gotta love them anyway. Just remember, someday Skye will
have kids and it will be pay-back time when she complains about her little one saying something to her.
Auntie Karin
seriously jodi, if you think you have love handles, then i'll never show you my massive tootsie rolls.
No wonder you drug me out the door by the ear and DEMANDED we go options. It has become suddenly so clear.
Gotta love kids. When I worked at the elementary school, it was quite the eye-opener.....
What love handle? Ok. I really laughed out loud that time!
Kids can be so cruel! I've had plenty of those "humbling" comments from my kids.
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