She always wins.
On a lighter note. I know a lot of you out there are pretty jealous of me for being married to the absolute most handsomest, wonderful electrician in the valley. I'm sure some of you even wonder, how I manage to stay so humble when I am married to the hottest thing to happen to a tool belt. I sometimes wonder the same thing myself. I'm about to show you (not to make you jealous of course, just to show you what could of been had you caught YOURSELF a muffin-of-electricity) why I am the luckiest woman in the western hemisphere.
My Big static-man is always thinking of others. He did work for a friend and accidently ruined their switch. Instead of purchasing a brand new one, and taking an extra long time, he used his compassion and sawed our table in half. Well not our table, but our bedroom switch. No big deal, he goes to electrical wholesale everyday. He can pick one up then. Start date: Beginning of March, 2009. Replacement Date: Pending.
One of the best things about Hot-spark is he is always considering my inner hotness. Although we have central air, he went out of his big strong way to install a ceiling fan, to take off the summer heat's edge. I'm sure it will be finished soon.
Start date: April 2008. (when it was just warming up) Finish date: It's on order. Uh-huh. (it takes a really long time people. sheesh. cut the man a break.)
The absolute greatest, and I feel this is super important, is Lovetricity's ability to only start projects after he has finished the old one's. Otherwise, this might happen to my basement:
Okay, maybe I left out the best part. He loves being teased and he won't even be kind of mad about this blog. Right, Pete?
Maybe he's waiting for the glue to dry.
I love you Andrew. A real man at work! Working for others, By the way get your ceiling fan in so I can get the work done at my house, Jared
This is how Awesome Husbands work. I know, I am one. :)
oh jodi, i forgot how much happiness i get from reading your blog, nothing in my life is as exciting as reading your blog! I will credit u to my developing six pack from all of the laughs. I will never stay away from you blog so long again! !#w$@WHAT WAS I THINKING%^&%
Lets go on a date, the four of us, to a ceiling fan store so we can both pick out fans. Unfortunately, ours can't be installed until yours is. Crazy husbands!
Mike always tells me he has to pace himself. Wouldn't want to finish a project, then what would be on the to do list.
Jodi, you are so hysterical! I need to remember to read your blog whenever I'm having a downer moment.
It's too bad your stud muffin and some what unmotivated husband isn't giving you the most awesome lighting known to electricians everywhere... oh wait, it's too bad he isn't giving you the bare minimum. Is your house even up to code??? Just kidding! But...he did get the new (old) dryer in, right!?
Maybe if we put all my unfinished projects together with Andrews unfinished projects we will create something finished! Its good to have unfinished projects. It gives you an excuse when you don't want to do something or hang out with someone... "Yeah I would love to come watch video of your family vacation but I really need to finishes installing our ceiling fan"
Ha ha ha! You are hilarious. I might have to tell Dave to use some of those nicknames for Andrew next time we see you guys...
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