Friday, April 10, 2009

MOM! I'm on the PHONE!

Do your kids answer the phone and then proceed to tell the unsuspecting individual EXACTLY everything you're doing? Have you ever been yelling speaking calmly to your children and then see that they have answered the door and your super
calm/peaceful/never-yells-at-their-kids-neighbor is standing there? (no? um, I haven't either) I caught one of my children who will remain nameless playing with my cell phone tonight. Oh, how many strange phone calls have people received this way?, so I snapped that she'd better put the phone down right now, or she was in super awesome gargantuan trouble and don't even think about having dessert!**

How Embarrassing for me when I found out who she had been talking to.
"But Mo-om!, I'm talking to. . .



{cue super sweet mommy voice} Carry on my dear princess, and how 'bout you put in a good word for me?

**super unlike me, I don't know where that came from. Yelling is not really my forte.


Anonymous said...

Geeze Jodi give the poor little darling a break. I could never see that child doing anything wrong. I mean of course who else would sweet innocent Sydney call? I think that face says all. You can't get mad at that face.


Jodi said...

Kids can humble you in a heartbeat, can't they?

Jodi said...

Hey look Jodi! You must have left yourself logged in on my computer. My comment looks like it came from you! I can have fun with this!

Love ya,

Jodi said...

Hey all, I just want to confess how tough I have been on my mom. She is really cool and doesn't deserve the hard time I give her. And when she lost the helmet? I just made that up. It never happened. She could never be as big of an airhead as me.


Jolene said...

I hope you don't have to pay long distance charges for that call.

Joby, Julie, and Cru said...

Jesus carries a cell phone? I'm going to add him to my top ten friends and family so I it doesn't use my anytime minutes when I call him.

Allreds said...

even friends the tv. show never made me laugh that hard!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL