Mosiah 4:27
And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.
I understood. Madisen was right, and I was going to win. That would definitely be the right "order" of things. I would be diligent and win the prize.
I took off with gusto, running quite like a crazy fast bullet, but while still enjoying the scenery. I wanted to win, not miss everything. The houses on the side of the road were VERY pretty.
0.3 miles in and I was feeling SO good I bumped it up a notch by throwing in a little dance move. You may not know it, but it's called a pirouette, with a horizontal double twist, and a backwards landing. Very hard to do. Or I guess you could just say:
I biffed it. Bad.
In my defense, there was a ginormous pothole that was very hard to see when you were looking up and to the right at the cute little houses. For more of my predictions on my own belly-flopment, please click here. I didn't know it would be so soon though.
I popped right back up and a very nice fellow jogged up to me to see how I was doing.
"I've heard about hitting the wall, but don't you think that was a little soon?"
Who was that guy?I could tell he was going to be rude the minute I saw him. I turned my nose in the air and told him "The important thing is that I just pushed right through it". Then I dodged another pot hole.
Freshly humbled, I decided against going for the obvious win, and just running along with my buddies. They were nice enough to wait for me when they got too far ahead. We had a blast and finished in 2 hours 40 minutes. Don't do the math, I will just tell you it's super-duper fast.
And we DID IT!!!
Whahoo!!!!!! 13.1 !
I have a few people/inanimate objects I need to thank.
Thank you Andrew for putting a lot of stuff on hold (including the projects I talked about a few posts down) so that I could train. I love you.
Thanks to my running friends, I ,
You made it so fun!
Thanks to everyone who came to see us finish!
And a special thank you to my trusty $90 treadmill (C'mon guys don't laugh. I bought it used. I'm sure brand new it was at least double that) that helped me train on the bitter cold/snowy days.
I don't have pictures yet, but for a sneak peek and video please see my friends blogs-The Goldsberry's and the Living, Laughing, Loving.

Congratulations!! Way to finish the race.
You know Brent, he HAD to do the math. He says "4.9125 miles per hour, 12.21374 minutes per mile". Doesn't mean anything to me...I'm impressed you did it at all. Congratulations on finishing!
Congrats! That is so awesome!!
CONGRATULATIONS! i couldnt do it. your an inspiration!
you're amazing. Simply Amazing
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