Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I wasn't addicted to caffeine until today. I know this because yesterday I had a coke (diet of course, ew, calories!) and I was fine. Today I didn't have a coke and I was not fine. Would you say I was an unhappy camper?

You Betcha.

So, wouldn't you agree then, that you're only addicted if you try to quit???


rmanni23 said...


Rachel said...

Absolutely! And what's more, you never want to try to quit because who wants to be addicted, right?

Anonymous said...

Coke JODI ????? EW that is gross diet or not. I know you were raised better then that. And then you blog about it....WOW. Where is the shame?? I mean come on if your going to be or not be addicted to something at least make it not a vice.... something like... let's say ....PEPSI!!!

PS. Maybe if you were a Pepsi drinker you would be able to find your keys. You don't see me or your mother looking for ours.

Love ya,

Misty said...

Jodi, the Diet Coke from the fountain at McDonalds across the street is to die for! If I was still your visiting teacher maybe I would bring you one, but then you would just spray it all over your kitchen, so I can't do that!