My husband came home from a fireside last night with a crazy idea. I've gotta stop letting him go to all these church events, they're starting to fill his head with nonsense. He came home with a proposal to go on the pioneer trek this summer. I said, "That's great hun, have a good time."
The bombshell:
"I think we should BOTH go."
He's such a funny guy! LOL :)
"I'm Serious, I've thought about it and I think it would be an awesome experience"
REALLY?? I know some people have fun on these, but some people are also weird. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy camping (For two nights when there is a bathroom nearby), and hiking is awesome, but I've heard they make you eat snake, you can't take chocolate, and I don't think it's easy for many to look hot and fashionable in a bonnet. (I haven't tried though so that's to be determined)
I had a lot of excuses and he threw back at me that it would be hard to get our kids to go when they're older if we had the opportunity to go, but refused.
Of course Pete has a tattoo (Explain yourself out of that one!)
I'm looking for wisdom for a few more arguments to convince him of his evil, conniving ways. So I will consult a secret weapon. Later tonight I have a date with the scriptures. More specifically James 1:5.
He won't know what hit him :)
I just have two questions.
1. Are you taking the kids and if not..
2. Who are you leaving them with?
j/k :)
Do they let you take deodorant now? I remember they used to tell you you couldn't take that, or makeup, or chocolate, or Pepsi, or any of the other female essentials. Nothing worse than a woman without her chocolate! Unless maybe it's a Mom without her Pepsi.
I am with ya, I had the chance to go when I was younger and I did not go. I know why I was not born during the time of the pioneers. It is because I would not have made it, plain and simple. I do not have to go and "experience it" to know how hard it was. I have a lot of respect for those pioneers and am glad they did what they had to.
I am also very happy that my Heavenly Father knew me well enough to not send me during that time. I have not in 16 years heard something that has made me want to go on "The Trek". Maybe Andrew/Pete is losing screws at church. I do not know but good luck with that one Jodi, and hold strong do not give in to peer pressure!!
Hey Jodi! I came to check out your blog since you "advertised" it on facebook. I love it, its so cute! I had a great one for the last 6 months but deleted it today since it was turning too personal and started fresh! Mine is private to avoid those "blogstalkers" haha! - Nikki
You make me laugh - your posts are so fun and creative! I say you should go! I've been trying to convice Kevin into it too. I went twice as a youth and he's never gone. The food I had was delicious - it's the only time I ever enjoyed Gatorade...because I was so freakin thirsty and tired! Besides, everything tastes better outside:)
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