It's February for cryin' out loud!
The kids spent a lot of time outside getting reaquainted with sidewalk chalk and their scooters, and I beat Pete at basketball a few times (sorry pete, the truth's the truth). The weather was a FREEZING 6o degrees. Ahhh, I LOVE St. George! Good ol' St. George.
Then it had to end and we came home to snow and reality. But I still have to tell you how awesome I am (for those of you who don't know already). Saturday was wet and rainy and I had a GINORM headache, and it was a bad hair day,and windy, and I STILL got out for my long run. Outside. Cuz it's St. George. Now where is my gold Star? Here's a couple pics of the trip:
Madisen on her new barbie scooter Aunt Michelle got her for Christmas
The Boy found out he likes to swing
. This is Shea looking innocent. Don't be fooled.
JEALOUSY! Good for you on your run! You gonna come with us Sat? I'm glad someone gets to go on vacation sometime...:)
Good for you with all this running! Wow! When I get back into exercise mode, I want to try and do like a half marathon or something. I think that would be cool. You should say you would do it with me so that I could have some motivation! St. George is so fun. We are going there in a month and I'm so excited, both of my brothers live down there. Oh, and what is up with your girls being so grown up and stinking adorable? They have always been adorable, but they look so old! Goll! We need to play soon though so that Maddie could hang with Sydney!
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