My kids are quirky. It's quite possibly Andrew's fault. They have issues with what they will allow themselves to eat. Pete still does not allow his foods to touch each other on his plate. Maybe he's afraid they will fight. Either way I've decided my next two examples are obviously directly descended from Andrew's blood pool.
I served the boy pizza tonight for dinner. He kept picking up his piece and then dropping it and crying. It almost looked like he didn't like the thought of his hands getting messy in the sauce. He was so frustrated I decided I would help him out by lifting the pizza to his mouth for him. Still he would cry and push it away. Dumfounded, I turn to Pete for help and he looks at me as if I'm missing something big here. He takes the pizza, flips it upside down so the sauce is out of view, and the boy picks it up and happily munches away. "He always eats it upside down, you didn't know that?"
Nope. I'm the idiot.
This next example happened last week in the car, and thankfully you all know I'm not one to pick on Pete or I might tell you, that again , this directly reflects Father parenting. I would never tell you that.
Madisen to Shea:
Q:Why are you're toenails all short and gone away?
A: Oh, because I eated them.
Don't you find it odd that one of my children will happily munch on something he found stuck to the bottom of his shoe and not bat an eye, but cannot stand to place pizza in his mouth unless placed precisely in the right way?
Don't you also find it odd that another one of my children refuses to eat ice cream, but has found a way to become self sufficient by eating parts of her body? I would never point fingers, but for the record, I am decidedly weird-food-quirk free, where Pete is afraid of a battle against lasagna and a cucumber. Just sayin'
1 comment:
My husband has this same quirk and I blame only him for our daughters inherited food issues of "NO FOOD CAN TOUCH". I try to use the logic that "it all gets mixed anyway", but without avail. Who listens to mom, anyways? My Sydney will be in Mid-chew and if she gets thirsty...well, out comes the food so she can take a drink. Apparently, she has taken the next step in the "no mixing club"
1) NO Food nor Liquid will be mixed in the process of mastication.
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