Kid's love the pumpkin patch. It seems likely since it's full of dirt and gooey messes. It's so fun to go and pick out the "perfect" pumpkin to bring home. Kind of makes me feel sad for all the other vegetables. When was the last time you heard of someone taking their families out for a special night of plucking the perfect radish? Just not the same. Poor radishes! At least radishes are honest. Pumpkins are living a lie. At least at our Farmers market. From where I sit to pick up my daughter from school, I can see the patch. I don't want to gossip, so I'll just tell you a super big secret that no one else is supposed to know: The pumpkin patch is a fraud! You're not picking pumpkins, you're lifting them from the dirt from where they were tossed after being shipped in on a little blue truck.
Shipped in by some disgruntled worker who apparently doesn't even like pumpkins, judging by the way he was chucking them out of the truck bed. I hate to be the patch police, but I call pumpkin b.s.
(bull snot of course). I feel so cheated! I HATE getting duped by the pumpkin people. Now it seems no different than going to the store and pulling one out of the box (which by the way is where Shea finally found hers after scouring the whole faux-patch and not finding one she liked).
I'm not going to stand for this kind of mockery next year. No one will make a fool out of
this family! Next year we're going out for Halloween Radishes. Care to join us?

You see the little twig thingies they placed along the dirt to make it look like the pumpkin "grew"? FAKE

Don't be fooled by their masks of happiness. Underneath those smiling faces, they are just as upset as I am.
I told my kids they can pick a pumpkin from the backyard pumpkin patch. I hate to buy a pumpkin I'm know I'm going to cut a silly face in just to throw it away the next day before it turns to mush. How do we make practical use of these veggies. At least radishes I know what to do with. I'm with you Halloween RADISH's here I come!
I fell for the pumpkin patch lies for years. I would spend the extra money for a pumpkin because it was so fun to pick it from the field. Then last year I saw the same sights you saw. This year I found a pumpkin sale at Macey's and bought them all myself. I told my kids to pick from their six choices on the back porch. They didn't even complain!
Those cute little great-grandchildren look like they are having soooo much fun. When you move to your new house, next spring you can plant your own pumpkin patch. Oh, what fun.
Love grammy
I was totally dooped...last year. We spent over $30 bucks at said pumpkin patch. $12 at Wal-mart is much better.:)
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