"A rooster is a chicken, right? So does that mean we sometimes eat Rooster?"
My whole world turned upside down? Flowers are one thing, but I don't think a chicken by any other name will taste as sweet. Chik-fil-A definitely looks different to me now. Just because their cow's never say, "eat more rooster" does Not mean there are no roosters snuck between your buns, right? So many questions follow this discovery!Does the fact that I am repulsed by the idea of eating a male chicken, mean I don't care about the female one's? Are the female chicken's any less important than the males? Are others of you poultry-predjudice as I am?
Rooster Nuggets? Grilled Rooster Breast? Rooster Cordon Bleu? No thank you! I'm a Roostatarian.
Well then, why did the chicken cross the road? Guess it depends on whether the chicken was a rooster or a hen, right? If it was a rooster, he was probably lost and didn't want to ask for directions. If it was a hen, she was probably running a gazillion errands on the way to pick up the kids/chicks from school, and didn't have time to take the skywalk over the road. She's just lucky she didn't get hit by a car! Yeah, it all makes sense now.
I am so glad you posted...I was coming to comment to you to post when I saw this. Thanks for keeping us laughing!
I will eat every rooster if it means America can sleep until 8 am. I had a neighbor that had a rooster that would wake me up at 5:00 am every morning so I would gladly eat a rooster... smiling.
i dont think i care, it doesnt matter what your meat your eating. Unless its beef, Everyone always says it taste like chicken, and i guess a rooster would taste the very closest to the real deal! So i will help wipe the population out with julie so you can sleep easy!
I have missed your hilarious posts these long months with no internet. Love it. :)
Hi. That is interesting. I was wondering why there are so many females and hardly any males? Do "they" (chicken or human) MAKE the egg famale somehow on purpose before it hatches? Seriously - a chicken coup of 20 females only has one male...how does that work - where are all the boy chickens? This makes me believe we probably don't ever eat rooster. Just a hypothesis...
Erin, I think all the boy chickens are too busy getting eaten. That's where they are Lol
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