Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kissing Cupcakes

Do you ever go to the grocery store hungry? No, right? Everyone knows that rule. If you go to the store hungry your food bill will go up and your waistline out. Not the best way to grow. I usually make it a rule to shop right after breakfast or lunch. However, since I wanted my children to eat today (I hate hate hate grocery shopping.. . it's been a while) I ended up arriving just before lunchtime. My tummy-growl check came back negative so I thought I could handle it. I was doing pretty good too, until I noticed I was making eyes at the Hostess. MMMMM, preservative chocolate cream cake. A quick self reprimand and I was back on track toward the milk. Only $1.50- Yay! When I hear a catcall, coming from behind me. I turned around determined to show the culprit I was definitely NOT appreciative( while internally noting that I've still got it) when I realized it was just the french bread, assaulting me with it's fresh, hot, scent. Now I'm feeling a bit dizzy and decide to get out before I end up embarrassing myself by proposing to the pastries. (love them) I feel pretty good now. I went in planning on spending about $20 and only spent about $50. That sounds pretty bad until I tell you everything I bought was on the list; I'm just really bad at cost predictions. Well, everything except the take-and-bake pizza that snuck into my cart who knows how? But I can justify that. Really. Just ask my friend Misty ("Funny Farm" blog). I can have pizza for lunch, because I didn't eat breakfast, and I'm going to run tonight. And it was take-n-bake which is probably less greasy and fatty than delivery. And, I mowed my lawn.
See? Learned my lesson.

Hostess cupcake container Pictures, Images and Photos

Mmmm, cake.


rmanni23 said...

I've never had french bread catcall me, but the icecream and chocolate donuts have tried seducing me (rather successfully at times). I hear voices coming from the chocoate bars by the checkout. I think the grocery stores are full of evil, so I try to avoid them as much as possible.

Anderson Family said...

Jodi you make me laugh. The cake was probably doing you a favor because you did need something to go with the milk....

And your lawn looks awesome too!!

Misty said...

I am glad you justify your food too. I hate grocery shopping also. I went on Monday for the first time in months. Imagine that bill.....The sad thing is that I wanted to eat out that night. I justified it by all the lifting I had to do to carry in all my groceries!

Joby, Julie, and Cru said...

Everytime I go grocery shopping I wake up the next morning with "little debbies" stuck to my intestines

The Christensen's said...

Oh my gosh that was the funniest post ever!! I am pretty sure I laughed out loud!! I feel for you,I hate any shopping and I am usually getting seduced by the big juicy rotisserie chicken and the definitely any type of pastry and or bread that is near by! Better luck next time!