Sunday, July 26, 2009

Campin' Stuff

We camped all week. It was fabulous!!! I love love love being dirty, grungy, and gross. Okay, the truth is I DO like camping I just don't like bugs. At all. It was very depressing to me to get bitten by a horsefly, and bring home a bazillion mosquito bites. (sad). It started out well though. We went down to Starvation Lake and started the trip off with a bang. The second we arrived we opened the car door and Shea stepped barefoot right into a cactus. Rockin'! I knew this was going to be awesome. The rest of the trip went really smoothly because I have an awesome extended family. Especially my cousin Callie's husband Charlie, who is super darn good looking, and didn't even ask me to write that into my blog. The sad thing is, I didn't take one stinkin' picture the whole trip. So you guys don't get to enjoy his beauty. If I had taken pictures I would put the picture of him here-------->
Also, if I had brought my camera, you would see cousin Travis shooting at bees with his pellet gun here------------>
You would see Lovetricity, hanging out on the rafts with the girls here-------->
My dog Kona diving under water for rocks here---------->
The Boy making a meal of dirt here-------->
And my natural good looks (even during a camping trip) first thing in the morning here------>
Isn't it almost like you were there? I bet you are jealous after these visuals aye? Since we've been home I've learned you can take the kids out of the camp, but not the camp out of the kids. We had an awesome meal at my Mom's house tonight. The Boy wouldn't eat a thing. He refused everything we gave him. After dinner, he stuck his nose up at the brownies we ate, ( uh, I mean Pete ate I would never eat those) but had no qualms about munching on a spoon full of ants. Go figure. It's all that camping. Turning him into a neanderthal. Well, no more news to report here, nope no more news NOBODY is having a birthday this week. No one. Not even me. If somebody WAS having a birthday this week it might be on Thursday. The 30th. That would mean there would only be 4 shopping days left. Hypothetically speaking of course. Peace Out!!


rmanni23 said...

I guess if it's not your birthday on Thursday, I can take your present back? I mean, hypothetically, because since it's not your birthday, I didn't get you one anyway. So, if it's not your birthday, we can just celebrate your Uncle Cliff's birthday on the 29th. He still holds a grudge against you because you had to wait until his birthday was over to be born. He thinks you were just being a spoiled brat and didn't want to share his birthday. Silly, huh?

Anonymous said...

jodi, i was laughing the minute i saw charlie in bold. He will be thrilled and i am sure will have much to say when he gets home tonight. Rita, you are so funny, your comments always make me laugh too! I had so much fun with you both this weekend and am so glad it worked out for us all to be there! Cona is freaking awesome

Anonymous said...

Excuse me?! What about the camping trip at the beginning of the week? Doesn't 2 days at Cherry Hills with the Burnett relatives count as camping??? Tents and bugs were involved!
Mom Lori

rmanni23 said...

Hah! Cherry Hill is NOT camping! Did the wind blow sand into your dinner? Did you ride wave runners or 4-wheelers? Did you take sponge baths, or cold showers? Did you float on rafts in the lake? Or did you enjoy the water slides, and miniature golf, warm showers, and flushing toilets? Uh huh, sorry, doesn't qualify. :)

Allreds said...

this is charlie. i like your post and for only 10.95 i will send you a 2 X 3 picture of me to spice up your post

Jodi said...

Ohh, Charlie, That is tempting. . . .hmmm, let me check my couch coushins and get back to you :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey! for me it's Hilton in the Hills. That's my idea of camping. Grammy

Joby, Julie, and Cru said...

you forgot picture of joby going number two in river ---> here