Tuesday, May 19, 2009


What would you do if you found your toothbrush here?

Would it make a difference if it was wet?

What if I pan out a little?

Now what would you do?


Pattybjb said...

If you need to clean your toilet, they make a brush that is alot bigger and wouldn't take as much time. Just thought you would like to know that. Aunt Patty

Marquardson Family said...

Ah! That happened to Cameron's toothbrush just the other day. I was very grossed out and then bought him a new one. There is no getting around that one! :)

Allreds said...

use it anyways, tell me what flavor it is

Doyle Family said...

Michael thought behind the toliet would be an awesome place to hide Emily's toothbrush. We had to have a chat about how that isn't a good place and could make her sick. Good Luck!

Peterson Family said...

I'm not sure I would do what I normally do in this case, but when my kids' toothbrushes are covered in caked on toothpaste or on the floor (like the week after we buy them) I put them in the dishwasher.