Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pet Smarts

So, I'm a dog lover. I love dogs. At least I did until I had one crazy dog after another wriggle, jump, and break their way out of my fence. We've replaced it several times, and replaced several dogs trying to fix the problem, until now I officially call myself a goldfish person. Anyway today I went to Petsmart looking for the invisible fences for dogs (something I should have done FOREVER ago) and SCORE: they had all their electronic training stuff for 20% off. Normally it was $199.99 and it was 20% off for $189.99.
Yep you read that right folks. A big stinky trick they were trying to pull. For the uneducated, $10.00 off is only 5%. So I thought I was being all slick and cool and I grabbed the salesperson by the ear and marched them over to the price and DEMANDED they give me my REAL discount of
20%. I wasn't going to take this guff from you retail bandits, I said. NO ONE was going to pull a fast one on me! I was going to get my price of $179.99 and there was nothing they could do about it!
I had the sales girl shaking in her booties at this point and she could hardly get the case open. I gave a little flex of the bicep as she stood up to go check the problem. I was feeling pretty good and standing SUPER tall, when my mom, watching the whole exchange, spoke out quietly:

"Um, Jodi, the real price after 20% would be $159.99."


Seriously Mom, nobody likes a smarty pants.

(Mom, I'm very glad you were a smarty pants and saved me $20.00. It was $20.00 right??)


Melinda said...

Haha! Too funny! I was totally thinking when you said $179.99 that, that wasn't right, but I suck at math so what do I know?! haha

Rachel Sue said...

Go you! I'm no good at math either. . .