This world. Was not made. For short people.
5'3". This is what I am. I have come to terms with it. I do not let my vertical challenged-ness keep me down. I know that I will need a footstool to put away the cereal bowls. I understand that I will never remember to clean the top of the fridge. It's happened that Andrew has hidden Christmas presents, sitting in plain sight inside the closet because it was above Jodi height. These things I know.
That said, I went shopping today. I was all giddy to find a store that carried pants in "short" sizes. Automatically this store was my friend. I walked over to pick up a pair to try on, and what's this?
The short pants are out of reach. Of me. The short person. The "longs" were in perfect reach.
Who designed this layout????!!!! I ask you!!
They place the short pants on the top shelf? Is this a joke? Not funny.
I wanted to walk out in protest, but seriously, they carry short-person pants. . . . . I'm all about making statements, but what was I to do?
So, in the end I grabbed a freakishly long legged (5'7") person to help and purchased two pairs. Gotta stock up. (sigh)
5'7" is that "freakishly" tall???? Hmmm...I wouldn't know anything about that. Sorry I wasn't with you to help you reach those pants...I wouldn't have even made fun of you (probably).
ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Love ya baby!
That is very ironic. Mind saying where you found 'em? Help us other short people out...
Erin: Maurice's at Jordan Landing :)
let us freakishly tall (ie average height) people know where to find some pants that aren't for the vertically challenged.
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