I have lots of blog thoughts. . . but not ones that I could drag into a big blog. Here they are in random order:
The gay rights debate is huge in CA right now. I was watching the news today and really and truly heard this come from an activists mouth: "I just can't believe that in the state of California, the majority can override the minorities rights."
I don't even know how to explain that one to him. Where do you start?
Andrew was complaining today about how he couldn't find MY key's this morning. I suggested he probably barely looked. That he probably only checked the dumb places like the Key hook, and my purse. He said that was true. How am I to train him?? After a huge eye roll from me (boys can be so ridiculous) he did admit that he hadn't yet checked the sugar bowl OR the refrigerator. He would get right on that when we got home.
We found them inside his shoes. (thank you Shea)
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in The Boy's world. It must be a much more tasty place. I have never, as of yet, walked into church and wanted to give the pews a good lick. FYI, judging by his face, They don't taste very good.
There you have it folks! The end and stuff.
Those are some pretty good blips, Jod. Glad you shared them.
I wish I had internet again so that I could be entertained every time you posted. Instead I get it all at once. I do get a treat though, it's like overloading on chocolate in one sitting. It's so delicious!
Again, you crack me up!!!!
Jodi, You make me proud to be your Aunt! What a thought process. Aunt Patty
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