Did you know there are several videos on youtube on how to fold a fitted sheet?
It's a beautiful thing.
I still don't get it, and I watched the video 5 times. I don't understand because last year I took several youtube tennis lessons and now I'm pretty much an expert in tennis. This is so frustrating and I take it as a blow to my domestic-divaness. It's personal. I MUST learn to fold the fitted sheet. Not just because of the divaness, but because if I don't, what will I brag about to my neighbors?
Jodi I am impressed that you are trying to learn how. Now I expect after another 50 views you can do this like a pro. Go Jodi!!!
Jodi, I got so tired of trying to fold sheets that I got rid of any extras. Only one set of sheets per bed. If there is pee or vomit during the night then the floor becomes your bed. This way I am forced to make the bed every time I wash sheets too.....now that I think about it I wonder if this is such a great idea....
You're supposed to FOLD sheets???!!!!
How did I ever make it this far in life without folding my sheets? When I get to the Pearly Gates, will St. Peter ask me to fold a sheet before he'll let me in??!! Free yourselves, women! You don't have to fold sheets or make bread, or quilt to be a good wife and mother!! Love, Mom Lori
Ok, so I watched this with the volume off (I'm at work), so excuse me if I say the wrong thing, but I have to wonder about a MAN teaching me how to fold a fitted sheet. What kind of MAN folds a fitted sheet with the care you would expect him to be giving a '63 Corvette? Did you watch him stroke the sheets like they were the new interior he had just added to his 'vette? Ok, so maybe I'm old school traditional, but I just think it's weird. Most of the men I know readily admit that they would never think to even make a bed, much less fold sheets, with the logic of "why make the bed when you're just going to get back in it?". Now that's a normal man's attitude.
Jodi, don't worry if your fitted sheets don't look like his, just start worrying if Andrew becomes an expert at it!
My thoughts exactly. A man...folding a sheet...like that? Where does he come from? If he takes this much care to fold his sheets, he must have a LOT of time on his hands! Could you imagine what his lawn looks like if he is that anal? I wish I cared more about the little things, but seriously, isn't this a little OCD? What does it matter...really?
Fitted sheets get folded?
I tried to learn watching my 94 year old Great Grandma - She was and expert. Unless you're that creepy guy, maybe it take 90 years to perfect. Give yourself time...
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