Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ugh, Twelve.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Proper Way to Enter Home
Many of you might not understand that there is a proper way to enter your home. This leads to peace and tranquility, and really makes your "house" your "home". I have taken great care to teach my children this skill and decided today I will share my little secret with you.
Step One: Enter House
Step 2:
Step 3:
And that is how we do it folks! I'm not quite sure who this little rascal was, but I have my suspiscions:
Darn it! I guess we have to Move to St. George Pete!
It's doctors orders. Or would be if I had visited the doctor. Luckily we have the internet, so what's the point?
Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder
(also suspiciously and appropriately called SAD)Definition
Seasonal affective disorder, often abbreviated as SAD, is a type of mood disorder that follows an annual pattern consistent with the seasons. The most common course for SAD includes an onset of depressive symptoms late in the fall, (called the grumpies) continuation of symptoms throughout winter, and remission of symptoms in the spring. (insert happy face here)
The most common type of seasonal pattern is one in which an individual first experiences symptoms in the late fall, has continued and heightened symptoms in winter, and then experiences a remission of symptoms in the spring. (Like Me!) However, other patterns are possible. For example, a person may become depressed in the summer and then become less depressed when the weather becomes colder. (but that would just be silly)
Causes and symptoms
Lack of sunlight, normally associated with (unnecessary) winter, is considered to be the primary cause of SAD. The causes of rarer types of seasonal symptoms, such as those experienced by individuals who become depressed in summer, are more difficult to determine. (because they're fake)
The symptoms experienced by people with SAD are similar to some of those experienced by depressed people in general: change in appetite, weight gain or loss, fatigue, irritability, and avoidance of social situations.
Light therapy, (such as the sun in St. George) in which the person experiencing SAD is exposed to high-intensity light, is often used—usually for one to two hours per day. Light therapy has been found to be the most effective treatment for people correctly diagnosed with seasonal symptoms in the winter. It does not appear to have serious side effects. (except euphoria)
Light therapy is considered to be a safe and effective treatment. Also, SAD can be a persistent problem; even if light therapy is effective one year, symptoms may return the following year. (Unless they are in "light therapy" all year)
Sorry Pete, I guess it's my only chance (shrug)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hurray For Snow
It's not like I wanted to get out of cleaning the bathroom anyway.
Monday, March 23, 2009
"We all like to eat. It is fun to eat good and tasty foods. Sometimes we eat several times a day."
That's when it hit me.
She GETS me!
From then on I listened intently about how we should always fill our souls with spiritual things. Throughout the talk she also brought up pickles. (Man she really knows what I'm going through) Y'know, it takes a while to make a pickle. If you don't go through the long process of preparing a pickle,then all you have is a cucumber. (not faith or a testimony) GET IT?
I sure did. And I'm a better person today for it.
I think I'll go eat breakfast. And maybe a Pickle.
Friday, March 20, 2009
It has Sprung!
**It is possible they are not MY daffodils per say. . .I might be living vicariously through my neighbors yard.
- P.S. I had a few phone calls about how I may have portrayed a certain someone in my last post. (Rhymes with Mom) Let me clarify and say she is not always an airhead, that was a one time thing, and she's the best mom ever and no she didn't tell me to write this. And it's not about the will.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pulling a "Jodi"
Mel: Where did you put it?
Mom: in a tree
Mel: (looks around) there's lots of trees, Mom
Mom: Yeah, but this one was all by itself
Mel: (looks around)Mom, there's lots of trees all by themselves.
Needless to say the helmet remained unfound.
I'm offended. That is nothing like something I would do. And even if it were you could see for yourselves where I might get it from. I think it's a little bit genetics. My sister Michelle went to work last week at a gymnastics gym and called her partner for 20 minutes wondering where she was because Michelle didn't know the routines. A half hour into it she realized she didn't even work that day. See. Genetics.
I come from a long line of them. My Grandmother once put the can of soup on the stove and put the pan under the can opener. It went all the way around until it hit the handle before she realized her mistake.
I am not an airhead. I am a victim of genetics and my environment. This is how I was raised.
"Pulled a Jodi" . HA! Nonsense.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Goo, Toothpaste, and Nail Polish
Let's start with number three.
#3. GU.
I could not have made running 10 miles this moring without your gooiness. Though your consistency lies somewhere between pudding and hair gel, and your taste, not much better, I applaud your effectiveness. Besides, chocolate is good in any form right?
#2. Toothpaste.
I have the best friends ever. They heard my distress call last time my husband went camping and left us stranded toothpasteless. Misty and Jenny came to the rescue today (Pete left yesterday) with a little package just for us. So we weren't stinky.
Um, I think that's why they brought it anyway. . .
#1. Nail Polish.
After four days of trying to remove the "make-up" from Shea's face I've finally realized, it's fingernail polish! Short of using steel wool, I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Something tells me that using polish remover by her eyballs is not the best idea. Any suggestions?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"Mom, your cheeks are puffy like Jack's"
And she pinched them.
Hmm. ..
Why again am I training for this half marathon?
Madisen went to the dentist today to fix the chips in her upper teeth. She has been grinding them together until they just chip right off. Here's the result:
The Boy has been working hard all week on getting to a sitting position from his stomach. His Success:
Nope. She didn't fall down a flight of stairs. That's what happens when a 3 year old tries to make herself "beautiful" with Mom's mascara and lipgloss.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Snack Time Drama
"Ew Madisen that was Yucky!"
"Mom! Kaydon spit the cookie out on the floor"
ME: "what? where did he get a cookie from?"
K: No it was Madisen's fault she told me to eat it"
S: No it's not Kaydon spit it everywhere, MOM!"
ME: "Where did he get a cookie from?"
S: Mom, it's his fault
K: No its not!
S Yes it is!
K: no its not!
S: Yes it is!
ME: "where did he get a cookie from?"
K: she told me it would be yummy!
Madisen decided enough was enough and she was going to serve up the ultimate diss.
S: "Kaydon, that's it! I'm not even going to sit by you at snack time!!!"
I never did figure out quite where the cookie came from, but they were on speaking terms when I picked them up so I guess they were able to sit down and calmly talk about there problems once inside. I always tell Pete if he doesn't do things for me I won't sit by him at snack time, but it doesn't have the same effect. I've gotta ask Madisen how she does it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
To Whom it Concerneth
Yours Truly,
13 days 'till spring!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Story of The Boy and the Marker
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Shower Efficiency
Changed diapers
Dressed dolls
ordered time outs
Answered phones (I'll call you right back)
Put on bandaids
opened cheese sticks
broken up fights
Dressed children
and the list goes on. Although today I did draw the line at making a sandwich. There has to be a line right?
Before the shower incident I was able to get a picture of Shea and her friends together. Don't they look like my little triplets?
E, K, and Shea
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The Hypothetical Woman Game
So this hypothetical woman will have three kids. No specifics, just two older girls and a baby boy. This woman probably isn't a big fan of 6:30 in the morning. She probably likes to take long hot showers (long enough to sing the entire Mamma Mia soundtrack). Breakfast is a fun affair of leisure and relaxation. This woman may or may not have just had a bad haircut, and wants to take her time fixing it in the morning trying to look hot (for her husband of course) because it would be embarrassing at church to look like a slob. This woman loves her husband very much. This woman's husband may not like the fact that she makes him late for 9:00 a.m. church EVERY week. He wouldn't like walking into church in the middle of the opening song**. This woman thinks her husband is unbelievably handsome, although he can make a very good grumpy/disappointed/silent/growly/scowl when this woman makes him late for church. This probably would make the woman sad.
Now looking at this hypothetical woman, in my opinion, there is NO WAY she could remedy the situation, right? I mean, it seems to me she is trying HER HARDEST. Tell me you agree with me please. Are there any solutions?
**Remember this is just a game. This is in no way portraying our mornings. Our family is always fifteen minutes early with our children calmly leafing through their Friend Magazines.