Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years Reso's

So, I have a couple awesome friends (Kristi and Lia) who decided to run a half marathon in April to help with their get fit resolutions. I told them they were crazy, and running for 13 miles seemed awfully silly to me. (A car seems so much easier, doncha think?) Then they saw me looking all lonely and decided to ask me to join them in their training. HA! Like I don't have a thousand other things keeping me busy this spring. How could I possibly make time for huffing along the road while cars drive by splashing mud at my slow, red faced, stitch-in-the-side self?
So I told them I was in. I guess my schedule really looked depressingly, um I mean, abnormally clear. So I'm on workout three. And I still don't see washboard abs.
I need a pepsi.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! You can do it. I will sit by and watch you three dear friends make yourselves better people. I promise not to be the car driving by splashing mud on you though. If your training ever calls for plain old walking for a period of time, call me!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Misty! It's nice to have a cheerleader!